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Warfarin & INR Tests

does anyone know if any local Pharmacies can test INR for Warfarin dose.
My husband takes Warfarin & his INR is a little high, so his dose has been adjusted, but needs it tested whilst in La Marina, flying in on Sunday for 1 month.
Our English GP says many people are tested at a Pharmacy then it can be emailed to them & dose adjusted accordingly. I'm a little anxious as it's a really important medication.

Thank you.

La Marina

If you bring a Ehic Card and take it to the Doctors they will issue a Tempory SIP card to see the Doctor

Commented baldoboy in La Marina 2014-07-24 18:23:36 UTC

Thank you for the information, do you know if the blood test can be done at the Dr's ?
Is the surgery on the urbanisation?

Commented Patricia in La Marina 2014-07-24 20:33:59 UTC

The Doctors will sort out a Blood test and alter the medication to suit,
The Doctors is situated next to the Information Centre Opposite Supa Valu

Commented baldoboy in La Marina 2014-07-25 10:32:31 UTC